Top « Artist « G « GAKU-MC « word music 2
Romantic groovemaster ~SANO,Yasuo Complete Works~
word music 2

2001.5.16 (Antinos CD:ARCJ 176)
2002.7.1 (EPIC RECORDS JAPAN CD:ESCL 9062) ※品番改定に伴うAntinos盤の再発
word music 2

01. Life Music

02. 宣言

03. ラッシュアワー

04. ビバ鈴木

05. 拳手

06. キレイゴトのブルース(Album Version)

07. 青春の日々

08. take off, stay cool

09. 25℃に保たれた街

10. カサブタ

11. get me out

12. 僕らが眠らない理由

Lyics : GAKU  Music : Yoshihisa Suzuki
Produced by Yoshihisa Suzuki
Drums : Yasuo Sano
Bass : Takashi Taneda
Keyboards : Kenichiro Shinzawa
Radio DJ : DJ Jumbo
Radio Hostess (Traffic Information)
Shop Assistant : Jun Kato

R.Engineer : Yasuo Matsumoto (SMA)
M.Engineer : Yasuo Matsumoto (SMA)
Assisted by Naoto Tanemura, Takayuki Saito (Sony Music Shinanomachi Studio)
Recorded at Sony Music Shinanomachi Studio
GAKU-MC / word music 2
Based on the story by GAKU
Mastered by Tom Coyne
Mastered at Sterling Sound (N.Y)
A&R : Izumi Amano
Product Manager : Yoshimi Yoshida (ARE)
Coordinator : Maiko Sakakoshi, Shihomi Ota (ARE)
Promotion : Hiroshi Shimizu & ARE ALL STAFF
Executive Producer : Isac Sakanishi
Art Direction & Design : store Inc.
Photographer : Hirohiko Taniguchi (D-CORD)
Dool Artist : Teppei Yamazaki
Illustration : TYPOGRAPHICS
Location Coodnator : Koji Shimura (TEKTITE, LTD.)
Thanks to : 
Katsutoshi Minowa (CREWS), Yumi Hanada (Sony Music Shinanomachi Studio)
Yasushi Horiguchi (HOT WAVE), Holly Horiguchi,(Insync Concepts Enterprise, Inc)
Akiko Souji (aloha productions), Shigeaki Tanaka (SMA), Reiko Kurosawa (farm)
Hideyo Mitsuhashi (Tower Side Studio)
my family & friends (yeah! it’s you)
Special Thanks to all b-boys and b-girls, moving forward with their Spritual Backpack
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