disc1(CD)01. blond head(eddy version)02. down03. no promises04. rebirth05. belle06. meteorite night, tonight07. wounded08. feather09. see you10. primal –next morning–
disc2(DVD)delofamilia concert at Tokyo Opera City Concert HallIntroductionno promiseswoundedblond headdocument of delofamiliameteorite night,tonaightprimal –next morning–balancesee you
musicians: SASSY on M-3,4,9 (DRUMS), 桜井正宏 on M-1,2,5,7,10 (DRUMS), 佐野康夫 on M-6,8 (DRUMS) YOH on M-1,3,4,6,9,10 (BASS), 山口寛雄 on M-5,7 (BASS), 渡邉等 on M-8 (BASS), コーヘー on M-9 (guitar) 弦一徹ストリングス on M-3,9 (strings), Everton Nelson on M-4,7 (strings), 加藤ジョーストリングス on M-4,7 (strings) Strings arrangement: 吉俣良 on M-3,9, Everton Nelson on M-4,7 recorded & mixed by 永井はじめ (Organic Mix Design) (except “bella” recorded & mixed by 細井智史) recorded and mixed at burnish stone recording studio, bunkamura studio, studio dall, soundcrew DVD: Director: 村松真緒 DP: 野口かつみ Production: FITZROY Edited at Lespacevision |
mastered by Tim Young (Metropolis Mastering London) mastering coordinated by 根木誠一, 遠藤靖子 (FILLIN inc.) Design: Kazuki would like to thank adias O by O Photography: Akira Maeda A&R: 中村B隆志 (gr8! records / Sony Music Records Inc.) Artist Relation: 吉田行孝 (gr8! records / Sony Music Records Inc.) Promotion: Sony Music Records Promotion Group Sales Promotion: 赤川☆ヒロキ (Sony Music Distribution (Japan) Inc.) Products Coordination: 高田有規子 (Sony Music Distribution (Japan) Inc.) Artist Management: 八高大輔 (spice music) 渡辺等 appears by the courtesy of GEMMATIKA Records |
Special thanks to: |
IAN, AFRA, HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR, HOI FESTA, ORANGE RANGE 西條善嗣, 松林学, 後藤渉, 畠山直樹, 小松裕二, 清松義輝, 高山康志 |